Case studies
5 Stars United

Amazon influencer partnerships for Amazon live streaming and organic posting


Health & Wellness

5 Stars United

30+ Amazon stores

Used organic posting on Instagram to drive traffic to their 30+ Amazon stores

$28 per asset

Paid an average of $28 per creative asset

50+ creators

Partnered with 50+ influencers to do live streamings on Amazon

Insense case study | 5 Stars UnitedTypes of collaborations

The Challenge

  • With so many brands, their marketing team was looking for a quick and scalable way to hire influencers and UGC creators to promote each brand without having to spend time doing manual outreach, handling the paperwork, or negotiating prices.
  • Their main goal was to drive traffic to their Amazon stores through organic social media but they knew that influencer marketing could be very expensive so they were searching for an affordable solution.

The Solution

On Insense they were able to send their products to the creators and chat with them at all times. From these conversations, they obtained valuable insights about their Amazon products which were very helpful for their business.

Pro Tip:  

The platform allowed 5 Stars United to work with over 50 influencers to run organic campaigns, giveaways, and bring traffic to their Amazon store.

Pro Tip:  

From the collaborations on Insense they asked Amazon influencers to do live streamings on Amazon which helped them raise their conversion rates and product awareness. On top of that, they received a steady stream of UGC static images that they gave to their Media Buying team to repurpose into different marketing channels for social proof.

Pro Tip:  
“Insense is solving 3 things for us: the problem of Amazon Influencer cooperation, product testing and getting static photo content”
Heorhii Horpenko

Heorhii Horpenko

Project Manager, 5 Stars United

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