Case studies
Kulin Co

Easily found specific creators (beauty creators aged 40+) & received UGC assets within 2 weeks


Beauty & Care

Kulin Co


2x return on ad spend (ROAS) from paid ads

2 week

Received UGC assets within a 2 week turnaround time

Aged 40+

Found specific creator profiles (40+ year old beauty creators)

Kulin Co | Insense Case StudyTypes of collaborations

The Challenge

  • Kulin Co needed to find 40+ year old female creators in the beauty industry niche. Manually searching for this creator profile is very time-consuming, especially for small teams. So they needed a tool that helped to streamline the process of finding these specific creators.

The Solution

A team of 2 creative strategists uses Insense to quickly find the right creator profiles through the filters on Insense’s creator marketplace. They were able to find plenty of 40+ year old beauty females to collaborate with.

Pro Tip:  

Through the platform, Kulin Co was able to brief, ship products, and receive final content within 2 weeks. This process made their life so much easier and meant that they could get UGC assets much faster than before.

Pro Tip:  

Using the raw UGC footage they received through Insense, they launched 6 ads. One of the ads was a huge hit with their target audience so they increased the ad spend for that specific ad creative.

Pro Tip:  
“I was blown away by how fast we got the content, the creators were very responsive and the quality was high and ultimately generated purchases”
Carolyn Stangeland

Carolyn Stangeland

Creative Strategist & Growth Manager, Kulin Co

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