Case studies

Generated 700+ Facebook attributed sales through UGC + whitelisted ads


Food & Drinks


5 whitelisted ads

Ran 5 whitelisted ads for social proof in one month

$200 per collab

On average, their whitelisted ads were $200 per collaboration

2.11% CTR

Achieved a CTR of 2.11%

Opopop Whitelisting | Insense Case StudyTypes of collaborations

Opopop, a gourmet popcorn brand who are passionate about innovative popcorn flavors and new ways of creating popcorn, decided to increase its sales through UGC content for ads.


Food & Drinks

Insense Users

The Challenge

  • Opopop had a plan to increase sales through UGC but did not know where to start. Insense provided first steps support to run their first UGC creative testing and our recommendation was to run Whitelisted Ads in the test.
  • With a small team behind the scenes for the project, Opopop worked on their creative brief with our team to come up with the perfect angles and hooks. Opopop also opted in for our Post-production service. This was a game changer for them: they needed quality content for launching ads with a short deadline.

The Solution

Opopop followed our recommendation and selected 5 influencers for whitelisting. These were lifestyle influencers, well-spoken and excited about collaborating with the brand. The briefing process counted on our support, we created a very detailed brief thinking about whitelisting and included very specific instructions to avoid reshoots.

Pro Tip:  

While running the creative testing campaign via whitelisted ads, influencers were also posting to their own accounts to build brand awareness in parallel. This is possible through our Influencer partnership feature, which allows for UGC sourcing, creator posting, and whitelisted ads under the same campaign.

Pro Tip:  

From their creator’s content, they ran 5 whitelisted ads per month for consistent brand awareness. To boost brand awareness even further, the influencers were asked for organic posting in parallel with the whitelisting. On average, their whitelisted ads were $200 per collaboration and generated 700+ purchases and insights for scaling their next campaigns.

Pro Tip:  
“Using Insense to source top-tier creative talent was super easy, and connecting up to each creator’s account for whitelisting was a breeze as well.”
Alex McEvoy

Alex McEvoy

Founding Partner, Opopop

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