Boost your ROAS with authentic UGC at scale
Get $100
We're giving you $100 on your balance to work with creators on organic posts, content creation, and influencer whitelisting purposes when you purchase a UGC, UGC + Creator Ads, or Advanced plan.
What is included in the offer?
Launch an unlimited number of creator Facebook, Instagram and TikTok content & ad campaigns, and advertise 3+ brands.
Advertise through the content creator's social media handle by using the Whitelisting feature from Insense, for more authentic ads.
Access a curated community of 20K creators and get 50+ applications per campaign to choose the best profile match for your project.
Dedicated customer success manager to assist you with your campaign management, creating briefs, and achieving your business goals.
How it works
Let us walk you through our platform and show you how to set up your campaigns.
Maximize your resultswith creator contentand whitelisting features
Utilize creator-generated content as your #1 priority for ads creative
Scale UGC production and amplify influential creator content on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
Influencer Whitelisting on Facebook and Instagram
Enhance your ad performance by advertising through the voice of authentic creators.
Use Insense to collaborate with TikTokers
Build your TikTok paid presence wisely with tailored creative and TikTok Spark Ads.
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