here is a reason many brands big and small are turning to Instagram as one of their main, if not the main, method of marketing and publicity, and it’s not just because it’s the second most logged onto social network for daily use after its parent Facebook (and the 1 billion monthly active users don’t hurt).
Through a unique blend of a young and gender-equal userbase, users’ positive attitude towards branded content and the ubiquitous presence and acceptance of influencers, Instagram is the perfect platform for showcasing your brand and driving e-commerce sales, and we’ve got the hard data to back that up.
- 90% of accounts follow at least one brand on Instagram
- 83% of Instagram users discover new products and services on the platform
- 81% research products or services on Instagram
- and most importantly 80% decide whether to buy a product or service
Source: Instagram and Facebook
And perception matters as well
78% of users surveyed described brands they see on Instagram as Popular, 77% as Creative, 76% Entertaining, 74% Relevant, and perhaps most significantly – Committed to building community (72%)
That last one is significant because it is what allows brands to best market their products and services on Instagram out of all social networks without fatiguing or annoying the users (a very unique quality of IG), and what we are about to get into.
Content Creators on Instagram – Your Best Social Strategy
In order to naturally raise brand awareness and effectively reach receptive audiences or communities, you need to collaborate with Instagram content creators. These are people who maintain interesting and engaging Instagram profiles with a dedicated following in their niches, be it luxury lifestyle or camping. They create content that resonates with audiences who are open to having relevant products or services shared with them in interesting and appropriate ways.
But whereas finding, contacting, negotiating and collaborating with relevant Instagram content creators was a long and complicated process that detracted from your efficiency and campaign effectiveness, has made it extremely easy and simple to get content creators on Instagram to collaborate with your brand in the most efficient and effective way than ever before.
You can find Instagram creators in all types and categories based on any criteria you specify and create content with them in the most simplified way possible by using of a single easy-to-use platform. All you have to do is choose the right content creators for you and communicate on getting the content you want, and the annoying (but important) things like dealing with content rights and payment terms is all taken care by us, greatly simplifying your process and making life easy for you.

Cool Instagram Accounts for Content Creators
So, you’ve realized the power of Instagram influencer marketing and want to get in on the action, but how do you sift through over one billion users to find the ones worth working with. First, you need to narrow down your niche and identify the audiences your brand will most resonate with. With content creators working in every category imaginable, it’s not hard to find the ones you can successfully collaborate with when you have the right tools. Here are just a few.
Eric Goldie is a NY real estate agent with a great appeal and a dedicated following who frequently features men’s care products, food and drink, clothing and accessories for a young professional male demo.
Katya Higgins is a lifestyle, brand and travel photographer with a love for food and an impeccable Instagram that showcases all of that in a beautiful way.
Alexandra Nicole is a blogger living her best life and trying to get you to live yours, too, with on-point product suggestions and interesting tid-bits from her busy daily life.
Lena Kresh is a NYC-based blogger, influencer and content creator with a focus on fashion, life in the Big Apple, modeling, beauty, street style and a little bit more.
Vasylyna Kulyna is a Chicago-based fashion blogger and IG content creator showing off great outfits, accessories and the occasional healthy snack.
Dave Walker III (Wavey Davey) is a content creator and brand influencer for a young and hip urban audience showcasing clothing, accessories and not only.
Rose Filimonov is another Insta content creator operating fluidly between lifestyle, fashion, beauty and travel, bringing the best of all of them to her followers.
Isabella Lanter is a Youtuber and Insta creator covering the beauty industry with all the good, bad and the ugly. She’s your go-to for honest reviews on many beauty products and the services trying to sell them to you.
Abigail Appiah K. is a beauty content creator with a special focus on black skincare and hair products that bring out the best in naturally wavy and curly hair.
Founder of the hugely popular @fitwaffle, Eloise Head shares mouth-watering food and recipes, as well as showing how to keep a lean figure while partaking in those guilty pleasures.
Dominek is a food content creator highlighting the dining scene in NYC, teaching quick recipes at home and just generally sharing delicious food on her Insta page.
Allison and her 3 beautiful girls take their followers on a journey of parenthood with tips and useful products on how to make it all more enjoyable. For busy moms who also find time to take care of themselves.
Get the Best Instagram Content Creators Working with You
Insense has some of the best Instagram content creators available for collaboration right now! The platform is designed to make it easy and simple for creators and brands to connect with each other and collaborate on awesome branded content that really resonates with audiences and appeals to a wide variety of interests, from make-up to cars and all in-between.
- Simply submit your brief - our guided process takes just a couple of minutes to fill-out your criteria and requirements.
- Our proprietary network and discovery mechanism connects you with the best matched content creators available.
- Choose the offers you like and begin collaborating!
Not just an Instagram Content Creator App
Insense has all the tools you need to make the creator-brand collaboration a breeze. From built-in chat and team feature, to content creation and optimization tools and integration with Facebook Ads Manager for immediate content amplification, Insense is the only one-stop content creator marketplace and collaboration platform you’ll need to get your brand out there.